Could You benefit
from an Adrenal Reset?


Do any of these symptoms sound familiar?


✔ Unrelenting Fatigue

✔ Trouble Falling Asleep

✔ Difficulty Waking Up

✔ Tired but Wired

✔ Irritability

✔ Sugar and Salt Cravings

✔ Reliance on Caffeine & Stimulants

✔ Digestion Issues

✔ Depression & Mood Swings

✔ Lack of Vitality

These may be signs that you are experiencing Adrenal Fatigue.



Adrenal fatigue goes through four stages before it becomes adrenal exhaustion. Hormones and neurotransmitters can fluctuate dramatically during these four stages. Stress hormones, coupled with symptoms of adrenal fatigue, progress and worsen through each stage.

We'll take a deeper look at the four stages of adrenal fatigue.


Stage 1

This is the stage in which our body reacts immediately to an oncoming aggressive stressor. The stressor could be an actual threat or something as straightforward as a meeting with a boss or the commute to work.

We create hormones needed for the response during the first stage of adrenal fatigue. You'll likely feel the fight or flight response- sweaty hands and armpits, racing heart, and a mild burst of energy. Lab tests during this stage could reveal elevated levels of adrenaline, cortisol, DHEA, norepinephrine, and insulin.

At this point, fatigue is mild, some resort to caffeinated drinks, energy drinks, and sugary foods.

Stage 3

The endocrine system during this phase will concentrate on producing massive amounts of the stress hormone cortisol.

DHEA will drop substantially. It's possible to feel uninspired and lose enthusiasm for life, along with experiencing frequent infections.

Quality of life will be impacted.

It is at this point that exhaustion and anxiety appear almost simultaneously. This state of adrenal exhaustion begins a phase of catabolism in our bodies in which our muscles break down to produce energy. You will begin to feel the effects of the adrenal crash.


Stage 2

The body has been under severe stress now, so cortisol levels will continue to rise while DHEA levels fall. Although normal daily activities can be performed, fatigue seems to hang heavily each day, and recovering or feeling well-rested will take longer. The stress response system begins to feel overloaded.

Our body will show symptoms such as digestive issues, "tired but wired", body aches, irritability, nervousness, elevated blood pressure, anxiety, irregular sleep patterns, and so on.

Caffeinated drinks and coffee might go from being a love affair to become a hard habit for many people.

Stage 4

Adrenal gland failure in response to stress rarely reaches this stage.

Aside from a massive amount of rest, a balanced diet and some good, nourishing adrenal gland herbs, it is virtually impossible to maintain the current levels of stress and restore the body's homeostasis with adrenal glands that no longer function.

It's like driving a car on an empty tank of gas…Impossible.

A person suffering from burnout can experience depression, emotional instability, anxiety, lack of interest in anything, and a non-existent sex drive.


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The Adrenal Support Reset is a plan that is low in sugar and high in healthy fat and protein. It includes various nutrients targeted at nourishing a supporting the HPA axis and adrenal system.

The diet includes:

  • whole, fresh fruits and vegetables

  • lean protein (organic/wild-caught poultry and fish)

  • healthy fats and carbohydrates

  • plenty of fluids like bone broth or miso broth

  • Sea vegetables (Dulse, Nori, Wakame) are included daily

    Average daily calories 1769; carbs are 29%

The Well World Mobile App & Adrenal Herb Kit makes it easier to achieve balance once again.

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Well World App

A FREE, easy-to-use mobile app and cleanse tracker to help you keep a close eye on your nutrition, exercise, mindset, and goals.

Downloading is easy!

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Your Adrenal
Support Kit

A fully-loaded cleanse kit designed to renew your adrenals and get you looking and feeling your best.

(your secret weapon!)


The Accountability You Need

A complete cleanse package with nutrition plans, recipe ideas, shopping lists, lifestyle tips, exercises, automated reminders, and more!


It’s Never Been Easier
to get your energy back!

1. Sign up for the Adrenal Support Reset 14-Day Program.
2. Download the Well World App and check your inbox for login information.
3. Everything is delivered right to your doorstep!
4. Get started! It's THAT simple!


As a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, I help my patients elevate their mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing by making attainable shifts in daily habits and mindset.

Before I endeavored on the journey to become a doctor, I worked as a Macrobiotic chef, preparing healing dishes for my clients.

Food is foundational and by committing to a diet of clean, simple foods, we can build vibrant, beautiful health from the inside out!

Cheers to you and your health!

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