Will You Choose Love over Fear?
“When the heart opens completely, you will stumble upon the most powerful force in the universe - your loving eternal presence.”
What happens when you are faced with a decision to choose love or be misguided fear?
Which voice do you listen to?
I traveled to Las Vegas this year to ring in 2020. My friend and I had just left the hotel on New Year’s Day and were headed down the strip to get dinner. I immediately noticed that across the busy street from the hotel was a group of people gathered around a man lying in the street. One man was down, immobilized, and another man was pacing with a bloody face.
It felt as serious as it looked.
We had just happened upon a hit and run accident, moments after the Uber driver had fled.
I am not at all proud of my initial feeling, which was to keep walking and not offer help. But there, in that space of awareness was the recognition of my own fear!
It was BIG and BOLD and SCARY (does fear ever show up in any other way?)
You see, several years earlier while a medical student at Bastyr University, it was made abundantly clear by my Jurisprudence professor that one should never, ever intervene in a situation like this because of the inherent risk for being sued. I internalized that erroneous, fearful notion but then unconsciously added it to my doctor coat of armor. Fear always has a way of “protecting” us by separating us. The other fear speaking to me said to stay away- that I was a woman, this is Vegas, and crazy stuff happens in Vegas!
Meanwhile, the good friend I was with became adamant about crossing the street and lending a hand. It surprised me since he is typically pretty mellow but at this moment, he was pulling me to go there, saying that we were needed. He knows me well and knows what I can offer. Thank goodness he did.
As soon as I came upon the scene, I went straight to the man who was laying in the street and going in and out of consciousness. He was in shock from the impact of being hit by a car. I gently took his hand and announced that I was a doctor and there to help him. After assessing his vitals and general state of wellbeing, I held his hands tenderly like a mother holding her child, reassuring him that he was going to be ok.
What else could I do in this situation besides bring a loving presence?
In retrospect, I see the immense benefit of having both a western medical degree and energy medicine training. If you have a practice of meditation and of cultivating energy and presence, you are a natural healer and your very presence is a gift.
You can be a light during dark times. We all can✨
For me, healing Reiki energy flows out of my hands and into the person who needs it. I use this practice all the time and can direct this healing energy to people or situations that require assistance. It’s my secret healing power!
The man relaxed into my embrace and closed his eyes.
What seemed like eternal minutes passed and finally the paramedics arrived. As they got him onto a stretcher, he grasped my hand and asked me not to leave his side.
He had tears in his eyes.
I held him for a few more moments and assured him that the guys would take good care of him and that he was going to be alright. We then all went our separate ways.
Love triumphed over fear that night. 👊💖
Fear holds me back. Fear would have separated us. Fear made me assume the worst. Fear creates hatred. Fear builds walls.
Fear has skewed our TRUTH and LOVE is the only antidote.
When we demonstrate love and compassion, we walk in the footsteps of spiritual giants who have walked before us. When we cultivate and share more love, it will always be reflected back to us. If we cultivate a more generous heart, the world will be very generous with us.
As you serve, so you gain.
And so it goes, I broke the habit of being myself at that moment. Beliefs morphed into wisdom. I vowed to no longer listen to the voice of fear. I will humbly listen to the voice of my heart, to the voice of love that chooses human connection and compassion.
How will you show up in service and in love this year?
Join me in gently closing your eyes, breathing deeply, and connecting with your soul. Feel the love that is all around you and let your love radiate outwards, from your heart, adding to this field of love and light.
Notice how serene you feel.
With love in my heart, I send my deepest gratitude and blessings for each one of you. 🙏 I look forward to this new decade with delight and wonder for the love and blessings yet to come!
Get out there, shine your light, and light the way for others to do the same.✨
With Love, Joy, and Good Intentions,
💖Dr. Marissa
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The information on this blog and website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease. This information is distributed for educational purposes only. Please consult with your Naturopathic Doctor before acting on any material presented on this blog and website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have any medical conditions which require medical supervision.
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