Drop out of your conscious mind and into your heart.

In hypnotherapy, you can experience deep relaxation through a creative and meaningful process.

By creating a non-ordinary, expanded state of consciousness, I’ll help you access suppressed or hidden memories and discover insight, healing, and creative solutions from within.


Depending on your intention, we may use a variety of tools such as:

👉🏼 Inner Child Work

We’ll look toward your past to communicate with, love, and understand your inner child.

👉🏼 Future Pacing

I’ll help you envision your future and step into it on a visceral level.

👉🏼 Sacred Circle Ceremony

We’ll work on healing important relationships on a soul-to-soul level.

👉🏼 Parts Therapy

We’ll identify conflicting parts of your identity that are damaging to your well-being, then facilitate negotiation and resolution.


Each session is a unique experience.

You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we’re not. We always have the power of our minds…Claim and consciously use your power.
— ― Louise L. Hay

This one-on-one session is highly interactive – you and I will experience an enjoyable exchange led by your imagination and your comfort level as I help you journey into your subconscious.



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