Whether you’re going through a major life transition, looking for a catalyst to help you finally tackle your health-sabotaging behaviors, or seeking support going from…
“Fine” to “Amazingly happy, healthy, and fulfilled”…
I’m here to guide you.
My expert approach blends the best of natural medicine + hypnotherapy to really get to the root of what ails you.
I’ll take a holistic approach to your health and help you transmute the suffering in your life and remember your inner power – creating a ripple effect of positivity and wellness that touches everyone around you.
Hi, I’m Dr. Marissa Castello.

I’m a naturopathic doctor, author, mother, educator, and healer.
I’m a naturopathic doctor, author, mother, educator, and healer.
I practice potent healing therapies, draw from personal life experience, channel energy, and harness my medical expertise to help you tap into your personal power and uplevel your life in a holistic way – from wellness to relationships to career to physical health and beyond.
Because as important as it is to heal your body when it’s hurt…
I’ve found people also need loving guidance diving into the depths of their being, of their trauma, of the things holding them back from living their full potential.
I work to transform lives – meaning I don’t just focus on supplements or lab values or mindset or meditation or diet or some other factor, but I look at the whole picture.
Because I’ve seen firsthand how total transformation that lasts requires ongoing, holistic, one-on-one support that meets you where you’re at currently and helps you get to where you want to be.
With a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, advanced training in:
Craniosacral Therapy
Reiki Energy Medicine
as well as decades of practice, I’m well-equipped to help you improve your physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational well-being.
My office is based in Oceanside, California, but my mentorship and educational programs are available worldwide.
To achieve true transformation, I take an approach that integrates mind, body, and spirit.
Those who work with me are ready to go deep into their past, psyche, and beliefs, and reach beyond the purely physical.
I offer healing therapies, online educational programs, local women’s circles, and other resources that can help you heal and access the personal power that’s latent within you.

Make the most of your personal power to live your best life.
You’re not just seeking wellness – you’re seeking greatness. You want to feel good in your body and to let go of heavy feelings towards yourself or others.
As part of my work, I’ll help you overcome your past and trauma, as well as any limiting beliefs you hold, so you can live the life you feel proud of, while also experiencing vibrant health, maybe for the first time in your life.
Live the life
you've always dreamed of
“My consultation with Dr. Marissa was more than I could have hoped for. As I shared my experiences and described my symptoms, Dr. Marissa listened intently with compassion and focus.
She treated me with kindness and approached each of my concerns with sincerity and care.
I have spoken with many doctors but have not met another doctor quite like Dr. Marissa.
She is sincere, warm, and knowledgeable and I left our conversation with more hope than I’ve had in some time.
Dr. Marissa had practical, actionable steps for me to take and, by the end of our conversation, I felt like I had a plan going forward. ”
“It has been a pleasure working with Dr. Marissa. She works with a wide range of healing modalities and is a true gem. Immediately, I felt calm, uplifted, and less anxious in her presence.
She is a visionary.
With each visit to Dr. Marissa, my life force is recharged; she balances my energy so that I feel naturally happier, stronger, and more alive than ever before!
Working with her has been a game-changer.”